About Blue Tree

Melanie Smith

Founder and Chief Data Strategist
Melanie founded Blue Tree in 2017 after falling out of love with the academic and corporate worlds and in love with the start-up culture at 36 Degrees North in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has a doctorate in computer science and experience across many industries: healthcare, marketing, academia, research, financial, oil, government contracting, non-profits, and engineering. Becoming an entrepreneur means her specific skill set, giftings, and passions don't have to be separate. 

Outside of work, Melanie loves giving back to the community, finding new trails to bike or walk, and hanging out with her two dogs, Peter and Lulu. She has been called foster parent, respite home, leader, volunteer, board member, advisor, teacher, trainer, triathlete, cyclist, and running coach over the years. Throughout her personal and professional life, what drives her is being a champion for transformation.
super woman nonprofit small business coach tech blue tree data consulting strategic planning leadership data dashboard speaking

Naomi Keller

Office Manager
Coming Soon!


Behind the core team is a network of people and companies that we love working and collaborating with. If we aren't the right
Blue Tree exists to help nonprofits and small businesses set clear, life-giving strategy and turn it into action.

Lead From Hope  |  Delight in your Data  |  Grow Your Impact

Helping big-hearted organizations build greater capacity for impact since 2017.


