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June 26, 2021
Nonprofits Strategic Plan: Recovering from a Pandemic

Congratulations! You have just experienced one of the most difficult periods of our lifetime, but are we out of the water, yet? For those of us who have spent time on the water and have had the pleasure (or terror) of being pulled behind a boat on water skis, you know the feeling of getting […]

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February 20, 2021
What's the Best Software for My Nonprofit or Small Business?

If only we had a nickle for every time one of our clients asked "What's the best software for my nonprofit or small business?" We belong to several online communities for nonprofit and small business leaders. Some of the most common tech-related questions are: What is the best software for task management (or accounting or […]

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Blue Tree exists to help nonprofits and small businesses set clear, life-giving strategy and turn it into action.

Lead From Hope  |  Delight in your Data  |  Grow Your Impact

Helping big-hearted organizations build greater capacity for impact since 2017.


