We help big-hearted organizations build greater capacity for impact.

Blue Tree exists to help nonprofits and small businesses 
set clear, life-giving strategy and turn it into action. 

We take a top-down + bottom-up + forward-movement approach that considers your entire organization before talking about specific technology, data, or other strategic recommendations.
(If you want the full technical details of what we do, we hide those here.)

We love watching our clients transform as we work together....
From burnout to buy-in, from overwhelm to relief, from inefficient to streamlined,
from piecemeal to purposeful, from unsure to decisive, from blurry to focused...you get the picture.

We set the bar high. You should too.

Lead From Hope

Leading FROM hope is different than leading WITH hope. As the leader, if you don't operate out of an internal place of hope, neither will anyone else.

We help develop tangible hope in leaders and organizations -- not just fluffy feel-good words. This tangible hope is a combination of having the ability to set goals, determine pathways towards those goals, and having the motivation and ability to make progress.
blue tree data consulting logo strategic planning coaching technology data dashboards

Delight in your Data

Most times the word "delight" doesn't fit in the same sentence as "data" or "technology" or "process". We get it. Tech debt and tech trauma is a real thing.

We help lessen the heaviness of how you deal with data by equipping your team with tools, training, and support. It's been known to keep people from quitting their jobs, give you the ability to run reports in hours instead of weeks, and wrangle even the messiest of data between different systems.

Grow Your Impact

It's hard to measure and show your impact if every program is doing things their own way. It's hard enough that every funder wants to see your numbers in a different way.

We train staff in different areas designed to raise organizational data literacy and consistency in how things are done (which leads to cleaner, more insightful data). This is also where we transition the data work we do for clients to their staff for future use.

Our Impact

  • We celebrate having worked with clients who serve people across almost every nation, six continents, and all fifty US states.

    Our clients are located primarily in the United States, with some having global and national reach and others having local and regional reach.

  • We celebrate helping organizations be able to report on and understand their impact over time...for the first time.

  • We celebrate transforming processes to take minutes and hours,
    not days and weeks. 

  • We celebrate helping organizations figure out who they really are and aligning tactical operations with their strategy.

  • We celebrate helping organizations increase their sustainability by lessening staff burnout, improving donor relationships, and simplifying how they achieve their mission.

  • We celebrate helping organizations increase their sustainability by

    lessening staff burnout, improving donor relationships, and simplifying how they achieve their mission.

Quotes from our Clients Heroes!

We intentionally work hard to honor the bravery it takes to openly explore what's not working, where things are messy, what's keeping leaders awake at night, and how much is falling apart.

To advocate for and protect our clients' dignity, we are not in the business of naming names. However, we are in the business of doing really great work and we'd love for you to hear what our clients say in their own, unsolicited* words.
  • I just want you to know how much I appreciate you! You continually inspire me, specifically how you lead with quiet confidence without being condescending and how you build trust and team and loyalty. You truly are a leader, not because of your title, but because of the way in which you make others feel. You bring out the best in all you interact with.
    K. H., San Antonio, Texas, one of the biggest advocates for excellence we've worked with.
    I read through the document last night before going to sleep and have given it another run-through this morning. Thank you so much for the level of detail in the recommendations! This document gives us a clear roadmap for the next steps.
    B.P., Tulsa, Oklahoma, who was looking for direction on how to respond to their first critical incident.
    You’ve knocked it out! I gave five priority problems to solve at the beginning and you’ve essentially given us solutions and recommendations. At this point, it would just be a matter of implementing the action items... you have pointed us in the right direction!
    M.B., Nashville, Tennessee, who we spent two hours getting her unstuck and moving forward again.
  • I simply cannot express to you enough how much your help meant to me this week. Your calm, skilled, tireless work took so much of the burden off of my shoulders that was causing a great deal of grief! I'm a man of many words but I'm not sure I will ever be able to tell you how much that meant.
    P.J., Tulsa, Oklahoma, a leader who is no longer losing sleep over reporting woes
    Thank you so much! It was a great training and I feel well grounded in Asana basics and excited to use the tool! 

    And thanks for pointing out how to get "extra delight". Love it.
    J.B., New York City, New York, a non-techie who actually enjoyed learning a new software
    Wow! I haven't even dug into this yet and I'm impressed! I was just on the phone and told our ED about what you sent today.

    I hope you don't mind that I told her the good news!
    D.R., Tulsa, Oklahoma, after her process went from weeks to under two hours
  • You're delightful to work with. We like your style of leadership and would be thrilled to continue working together! Thank you for being so thorough.
    L.T., Tulsa, Oklahoma, upon learning their grant to hire us for an additional project was approved.
    I just did two fist pumps and my brain is doing a happy dance...I checked the new numbers...and they MATCH all around. WOOOOO HOOOO!! 
    P.J., Tulsa, Oklahoma, after submitting a complex and detailed funder report
    Thanks for meeting with us earlier this month. It helped to brainstorm and get a sense of various ways we can support partners in their strategic and data-capacity growth.
    D.J., Tulsa, Oklahoma, a funder who desires to build data capacity of their grantees.
* Unsolicited meaning we don't actually ask for testimonials (who has time for that?!?) -- these are just a few of the messages 
we have had the pleasure to find in our inbox as we go about our work together. We're humbled and grateful for their kind words.
Blue Tree exists to help nonprofits and small businesses set clear, life-giving strategy and turn it into action.

Lead From Hope  |  Delight in your Data  |  Grow Your Impact

Helping big-hearted organizations build greater capacity for impact since 2017.


